Variant Initiative Rules BACK
Each unit rolls 1d10 for initiative. Add any modifiers for leadership quality and special circumstances, then add the modifiers from the table below:

   Unit Class     Init Mod
Fighter Squadron     -6
Fighter Flight       -5
Fighter Group        -4
Gunship              -3
Corvette             -2
Escort               -1
Destroyer            +0
Frigate              +1
Cruiser              +3
Battleship           +5

Units move in sequence from highest initiative number to the lowest. Ties are re-rolled once; if the units tie once again (including all modifiers) then they move simultaneously. Each player secretly records where their units will end up, then each moves their ship at the same time. At any time during movement, a unit of a lower initiative ranking (ie lower initiative number) may declare it wishes "seize the initiative." That unit then immediately moves, after which the regular sequence continues. Note that during a "seized" movement, the initiative can be seized again by another lower ranked unit. A unit can only move once per turn; ie, seizing the initiative does not grant the ability to move twice.

  Variant Ship Size Rules BACK

There are no more x-hex class ships. Maneuverability for a ship is still determined by its thrust and its class, however, all ships counters are now one hex. This removes some very odd firing arcs and some even odder range counting (especially since they specifically state the ship is really only in the last hex of it's counter) as well as making counter moving easier (especially with overlapping ships!!).

All ships have the firing arcs as described under Variant Firing Arcs.

  • Fighter counters have no facing, and as such, do not have to worry about "turning". They may move any way they please, up to their total movement allowance.
  • Patrol Class ships do have to keep track of facing, heading and speed, and may make as many heading changes in a hex as they desire.
  • Destroyers may make one heading change per hex.
  • Frigates must travel at least one hex straight before making a heading change.
  • Cruisers need to move two hexes in a straight line before making a turn.
  • Battleships are required to cruise three hexes prior to executing a turn.

    Frigates, Cruisers and Battleships must declare their turns before they are allowed to execute them. At any point during their movement, a player may announce the ship will begin a turn. Place a counter to indicate the start of the turn; once the required amount of hexes (as defined above) has been acquired, the ship may turn. THIS IS A VITAL COMPONENT UNDER THESE RULES. This is because, at a first glance, both the Destroyer and Frigate class ships seem limited in the same fashion--"one turn per hex" and "must travel one hex before turning" work out to the same thing. HOWEVER, the difference lies in the fact that the Destroyer need not declare its turns before executing them... so, for example, it could turn right at the start of its movement before moving forward any hexes (provided it hadn't already turned in that hex.) The Frigate, on the other hand, if it wished to execute a turn right at the start of its movement, would have to declare it's turn, and then proceed forward for one hex before it could actually change heading. It is a big difference, and turn declarations MUST be enforced in order to preserve this.

    A ship may cancel its turn once it has been declared, however, it loses the thrust that would have been required for the turn (using some thrust to start the turn, then using the remaining thrust to move it back onto its original heading).

    Sometimes, a ship is travelling to fast to be able to deliver the power required to execute a heading change in one turn. Ships are therefore allowed to expend thrust over several turns to accumulate the trust needed to veer the ship. The player declares the turn, and then declares they are accumulating thrust. Once started, thrust may not be used for any other purposes until the turn; doing so cancels the turn and all "stored" thrust is lost.

    All other movement rules still apply.

      Variant Firing Arcs BACK

    Weapons in Leviathan have new firing arcs; see the accompanying diagrams for details! As well, with all ships now being one-hex affairs, shield arcs are slightly different.

    Spinal mounts have a 15 degree firing arc from the bow of the ship. Forward/Rear facing bay mounts have a 60 degree arc. Broadside bay mounts have a 120 degree firing arc. Turret arcs remain the same.
  • Shield arcs are identical to the original Destroyer shield arcs.

  •   Variant Bay Geometry BACK
    How many bays a ship can carry, and where:

                  Max Bays Mounted Per Side               MaxBays
        Front  F Left  F Right  A Left  A Right  Aft       Total
          0       1        1       0        0     0          2
          0       1        1       1        1     0          4
          1       1        1       1        1     1          6
          2       2        2       2        2     2          8
          2       2        2       2        2     2         12
          2       3        3       3        3     2         16

    Page design/contents by Kannik, 1997