The Renegade Legion History - ver 1.2 BACK
Note: All dates are in CE (Current Era) not the TOG Imperial System (Anno Imperii).
          See the novel Renegade's Honor by William H. Keith Jr. for details.


Date Planet District   Event
BCE 100,000 Ssoran District The Ssora develop the T-Space drive.
BCE 1000 Terra Terran District The Naram arrive and found the Mayan culture in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Old Roman Empire

Date Planet District   Event
BCE 0753 Terra Terran District The First Roman Empire founded by Romulus.
0476 Terra Terran District The Western Roman Empire falls.
ca. 1500 Terra Terran District The Mayan empire falls at the genocidal hands of White invadors.


Date Planet District   Event
1453 Terra Terran District Eastern Roman Empire Falls to the Ottoman Turks.
1834.05.23 Terra Terran District The 2nd ACR raised by an Act Of Congress of The United States Of America.
1988-1989 Mars Terran District The Naram destroy two Mars Probes to prevent the discovery of their listening post on the planet.
2156 Terra Terran District UNSS Magellan disappears from orbit around Sol and reappears several light years away, thus proving Professor Hsieh Ho's theories about T-Space.
2210 Terra Terran District Marshman invents the grav-drive.
2257.07.04 Delta Alphecca Terran District The discovery of the P-Com system.
2278 Terran District Many colonies declare independence the colonial wars begin. The UN building in New York is blown up.
2278 Terra Terran District The Treaty of Reykjavik signed ending the colonial wars.

Human Raj

Date Planet District   Event
2280 Terra Terran District The Human Raj is born.
2289 Terra Terran District G. Greerson discovers the Gravidic Shield.
2461 Humans meet the Naram for the first time.
2551 The discovery of the T-Doppler detector.
2589 The Kessrith discover the T-Space drive by reverse engineering a destroyed Ssoran ship.
2992 Moshelle Shannedam County First Human colony on planet.
2990 Ve'fros Shannedam County Charted by Baufrin.

Praedicatio Imperium

Date Planet District   Event
2980 Terra Terran District
First Terran Senate convenes to proclaim the New Roman Empire.
2998 Zama Shannedam County Humans discover Baufrin colony on Zama. Frightened the Humans attack and wipe the Baufrin colony out.
3000 Defiance Shannedam County Humans and Baufrin meet officially for the first time.
3000 Defiance Shannedam County The 2nd ACR is sent from Terra to serve as a cadre for the Defiance army.
3000 Trader's Paradise Shannedam County First charted by Baufrin explorers.
3002 Henders Shannedam County Baufrin survey ship crash lands on planets surface and is forgotten. The survivors create a small colony.
3005 Delop Shannedam County The Baufrin are driven off planet by Human forces.


Date Planet District   Event
3010 Zama Shannedam County A peace treaty signed between the Humans, Baufrin and the Naram. The Birth of the Commonwealth. Baufrin given rights to Zama in compensation for Human attack in 2998.
3010-3040 Da'Valk Shannedam County The Commonwealth explores and charts the planet but finds little of interest.
3011 Henders Shannedam County Human ship comes to Henders to rescue forgotten Baufrin crew. The Baufrin unaware of the peace treaty of 3010 opens fire. The Humans hold there fire and the commander attempts to communicate. The planet is renamed in the commanders honor.
3012 Carthage X Shannedam County Carthage X discovered and mapped.
3012 Rolunitru Shannedam County Planet mapped and surveyed.
3025 Ku Crassus Shannedam County Human and Baufrin Colonies appear on planet.
3050 Mashoona Shannedam County World settled by Baufrin colonists.
3045 Grosianus Shannedam County Grosianus is discovered and terra forming is begun by the Baufrin.
3075 Business Mission Shannedam County Human and Baufrin explorers chart the planet.
3090 Pisae Shannedam County Planet surveyed and mapped.
3098 Messana Shannedam County Human, Baufrin survey team chart world.
3103 Henders Shannedam County Henders is admitted into the Commonwealth.
3150 Anconna Shannedam County Baufrin and Human form co-operatives to mine Anconna.
3190 Carthage X Shannedam County Joins the Commonwealth.
3200 Mashoona Shannedam County Navy shipyards built in orbit.
3200 Tiven Shannedam County First charted.
3214 Tloca Dalvick District Humans and Naram meet the Kessrith for the first time. Kessrith attack but are defeated.
3214.05.01 Tloca Dalvick District Kessrith attack again and are defeated. Humans meet Ssora for the first time.
3240 Mala Shannedam County First successful colony on planet.
3300 Gustaviv's Regret Shannedam County The Barton Clan Colony perishes.
3301 Pisae Shannedam County G-A ore discovered.
3303 Pisae Shannedam County Civil war erupts over corporate control of mines.
3338 Pisae Shannedam County Civil war ends.
3340 Caralis Shannedam County Naram first settle planet.
3350 Grosianus Shannedam County Terraforming is successful. The Baufrin establish a colony.
3420 Ku Crassus Shannedam County The population swells to 100 million.
3425 Ve'fros Shannedam County Human religious minorities arrive.
3473 Ope'Diar Shannedam County First successful mining colony.
3500 Caralis Shannedam County Commonwealth setup military garrison.
3500 Da'Valk Shannedam County Peak of pirate gang use of the planet
3512 Mavinav Shannedam County Civil unrest breaks out between Human and Baufrin inhabitants over Human civil rights.
3543 Ku Crassus Shannedam County Craig Jussen launches a coup and takes control of the planet.
3550 Ope'Diar Shannedam County Ope'Diar joins the Commonwealth.
3575 Ku Crassus Shannedam County The Commonwealth lands four combat regiments and captures mercenaries. Ku Crassus joins the Commonwealth.
3645 Novuta Shannedam County Rich iron ore deposits found.
3700 Mashoona Shannedam County Mashoona enters the Commonwealth.
3700 Tiven Shannedam County Assassinations and bombings are common.
3717 Tiven Shannedam County Civil war erupts.
3833 Rilus V Shannedam County Rilus V joins the Commonwealth.
3921 Ve'fros Shannedam County Holy war declared; indiscriminate killing.
4010 Moshelle Shannedam County Moshelle joins the Commonwealth.
4025 Iol Shannedam County The Commonwealth surveys the planet.
4038 Tontrinas Shannedam County The Naram begin terraforming.
4202 Thapsus Shannedam County Baufrin settle planet.
4204 Business Mission Shannedam County Orcinus McMichael acquires rights to the Star System and builds a trading and mining planet.
4225 Iol Shannedam County Over 5000 thousand Baufrin settle on the planet.
4230 Caesar's Folly Shannedam County Holy war erupts on Caesar's Folly between the Minions of Gog and non-believers.
4300 Novuta Shannedam County Most of the mines on the planet are played out.
4320 Tubanos Shannedam County The Commonwealth sets up a listening post on planet.
4322 Novuta Shannedam County Civil war breaks out.
4331 Mala Shannedam County Mala admitted into the Commonwealth.
4337 Tubanos Shannedam County Radioactive ores found on world.
4350 Circa Grosianus Shannedam County Civil war breaks out along (Species) lines.
4387 Tubanos Shannedam County Tubanos becomes a Commonwealth Protectorate.
4388 Grosianus Shannedam County Civil war ends with the rise of a world wide peace movement.
4398 Iol Shannedam County The Memory Plague strikes Iol and kills almost all Baufrin on the planet.
4400 Iol Shannedam County A cure is found for the Memory Plague, only 23 Baufrin survive on Iol. The Plague does not spread off world.
4404 Rolunitru Shannedam County Rolunitru joins the Commonwealth.
4420 Trader's Paradise Shannedam County Trader's Paradise gains independence from the Commonwealth.
4422 Tubanos Shannedam County Tubanos joins the Commonwealth.
4639 Kukulak Shannedam County A religious sect plots to assasinate the Duke Of Shannedam County.
4900 Tontrinas Shannedam County Terraforming complete.
4990 Grosianus Shannedam County Pirate raiders invade world and take over due to the lack of armed forces on planet.

The Fall of Humanity - Snow Plague

Date Planet District   Event
4992 Kukulak Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
4992 Grosianus Shannedam County The Commonwealth invades and defeats the occupying Pirates. Grosianus joins the Commonwealth. Sadly the Baufrin troops that landed to liberate Grosianus brought the Snow Plague with them.
4992 Grosianus Shannedam County Kessrith invade.
4992 Moshelle Shannedam County The population reaches 3 billion, then the Snow Plague hits.
4992-5007 Anconna Shannedam County Anconna quarantines itself from the Snow Plague.
4993 Mala Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
4995 Iol Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
4996 Terra Terran District Humans meet the Vauvusar for the first time.
4997 Iol Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
4997 Ope'Diar Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
4999 Tarraco Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
5000 The Snow Plague is a galaxy wide epidemic.
5000 Trader's Paradise Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
5001 Ve'fros Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
5001 Olispio Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
5001 Delop Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
5001 Tubanos Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
5002 Defiance Shannedam County Defiance devastated by the Snow Plague. The 2nd ACR only looses half its regimental strength.
5002 Tontrinas Shannedam County The Snow Plague hits.
5003 Defiance Shannedam County The Kessrith enter planetary system.
5004 Wuj Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5005 Defiance Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5009 Trader's Paradise Shannedam County The Kessrith arrive and negotiate a free trade agreement.
5010 Olispio Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5010 Delop Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5010 Barstow Shannedam County The Kessrith bombard Barstow (Mala's sister world) and wipe out the atmosphere.
5011 Kukulak Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5012 Moshelle Shannedam County Population reduced to 50 million, mostly Baufrin. The Kessrith invade.
5012 Tubanos Shannedam County The Kessrith knock out the Commonwealth naval station.
5014 Henders Shannedam County The Kessrith attack but are defeated. The Snow Plague arrives.
5015 Tubanos Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5017 Rilus V Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5017 Yols Shannedam County The Kessrith invade and bring the Snow Plague.
5017 Defiance Shannedam County The Kessrith invade and conquer Defiance. The 2nd ACR evacuates ending 2017 years of defense of the planet.

Great Enslavement

Date Planet District   Event
5020 80% of Human and Naram population wiped out by Snow Plague. Kessrith attack. Humans withdraw to the "10 Core Worlds". The time of Human and Naram enslavement begins under the Kessrith.
5020 Sparta XIII Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5021 New Janos Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5024 Gustaviv's Regret Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5026 Tontrinas Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5027 Novuta Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5030 Anconna Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5030 Caesar's Folly Shannedam County The Kessrith invade and bring the Snow Plague.
5032 Saguntum III Shannedam County The Kessrith invade and begin terraforming.
5033 Carthage X Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5034 Mashoona Shannedam County The Kessrith invade and bring the Snow Plague.
5045 Mysia Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5048 Ope'Diar Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5050 Pisae Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5082 Saguntum III Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.
5090 Thapsus Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5450 Caralis Shannedam County The Kessrith invade.
5650 Henders Shannedam County Henders begins to discreetly investigate the fate of the rest of the Commonwealth.
5831 Novuta Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw. A passing comet devastates the planet.

The Great Reawakening

Date Planet District   Event
6331 "10 Core Worlds" First rebellion by Humans. The Kessrith beat them into submission.
6350 Mala Shannedam County The population reaches 20 million.
6453 Ku Crassus Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw from the planet.
6483 New Janos Shannedam County Toxic explosion leads to Kessrith Plague. Kessrith quarantine world.
6499.04.08 Ku Crassus Shannedam County A meteor shower wipes out the eco-system of the planet and sends it into a 300 year ice-age.
6500 Rolunitru Shannedam County Rebellions begin.
6509 "10 Core Worlds" Alexander Trajan organizes paramilitary pageants, mock battles and drill to train a secret revolutionary force.
6520 Wuj Shannedam County Resistance begins.
6522 Tubanos Shannedam County Sabotage begins by rebels.
6535 New Janos Shannedam County Humans, Baufrin and Kessrith ally to clean up environment. New Janos joins the Commonwealth.
6550 Defiance Shannedam County Rebellion begins on Defiance.
6550 Mala Shannedam County Malans build a huge battle fleet based on ancient technology.
6550 Mala Shannedam County Malan fleet destroys Kessrith fleet that were meeting in system.
6550 Tiven Shannedam County Rebellion against the Kessrith begins.
6556 Wuj Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.
6560 Terra Terran District The VLCA is invented by Professor Neil Sultra and Dr. Jessica Sultra
6560 Anconna Shannedam County Humans and Baufrins on Anconna rebel against the Kessrith.
6560 Ku Crassus Shannedam County The Commonwealth newly reborn returns to Ku Crassus to rebuild.
6560 Ope'Diar Shannedam County Volcanic eruptions in the mountains Of Maroon destroy most life on the planet.
6561 Ope'Diar Shannedam County Rebellions begin on planet.
6564 Caesar's Folly Shannedam County Kessrith Death Camps discovered by the population. Civil war breaks out and the Kessrith are defeated.

The Rise of New Rome

Date Planet District   Event
6565 Rouke's Drift Terran District Alexander Trajan's legion capture 10 Ssora ships. Using them to ambush a Kessrith taskforce they capture 2 Kessrith cruisers which in turn they used to raid Ssora targets. This starts the war between the Ssora and the Kessrith. Alexander Trajan proclaims the existance of the Terran Republic.
6565 Tontrinas Shannedam County The Naram enter open rebellion.
6567 Kukulak Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw but not before they bombard the planet from orbit. A handful of Human and Naram survive.
6568 Kukulak Shannedam County The Commonwealth arrive and pledge to rebuild the planet.
6568 Henders Shannedam County The Kessrith who blockaded Henders from orbit withdraw to Defiance.
6568 Mavinav Shannedam County The Kessrith negotiate cease-fire and withdraw.
6569 Zama Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.
6569 Carthage X Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw off planet to support other more valuable worlds.
6569 Delop Shannedam County A revolt on Delop begins.
6569 Tontrians Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.
6569 Tarraco Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw and are trapped by Human and Baufrin forces in orbit around Candlestick. The Kessrith are wiped out.
6570 Rilus V Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.
6570 Anconna Shannedam County Baufrin invade.
6570 Defiance Shannedam County Kessrith evacuate leaving only a minor garrison legion.
6570 Moshelle Shannedam County Resistance to the Kessrith occupation begins.
6570 Mysia Shannedam County The Commonwealth attacks.
6570 Tubanos Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.
6571 Tiven Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.
6572 Delop Shannedam County Full scale revolt erupts. The Kessrith withdraw.
6572 Thapsus Shannedam County The Kessrith garrison is overthrown by rebels.
6572 Grosianus Shannedam County Commonwealth liberate planet again and the Kessrith withdraw.
6572.09.02 Mysia Shannedam County The Commonwealth liberates Mysia.

The New Commonwealth

Date Planet District   Event
6573 Alexander Trajan's revolution succeeds on Terra. The Orion rebels proclaim the Commonwealth.
6574 Yols Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.
6575 Ope'Diar Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.
6575 Terra Terran District Trajan designs military ranking system.
6575 Mashoona Shannedam County Humans and Baufrins rebel. The Kessrith withdraw.
6577 Gustaviv's Regret Shannedam County The Commonwealth invades.
6577.07.01 Gustaviv's Regret Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.
6577.09.01 Shannedam County The Commonwealth makes its last push to liberate Shannedam County from Kessrith occupation.
6577.12.01 Iol Shannedam County Open rebellion erupts in Dak on Iol.
6578 Anconna Shannedam County The Commonwealth place an Omni-directional VLCA in orbit.
6578 Defiance Shannedam County The 2nd ACR invades and takes Defiance.
6578.03.01 Iol Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw from Iol.
6579 Caralis Shannedam County The Commonwealth invades Caralis.
6579 Yols Shannedam County The Commonwealth invades Yols and liberates planet from small Kessrith garrison.
6580 Olispio Shannedam County Full-scale civil war against the Kessrith.
6584 Moshelle Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw to Capital and are cut off. The Kessrith garrison starves.
6584 Pisae Shannedam County The Kessrith withdraw.

Trajan betrayed

Date Planet District   Event
6584.05.14 Shannedam IV Shannedam County The Kessrith negotiate a separate peace with the Commonwealth signed by Baufrin Sulphra Decla. Trajan is left to fight the Kessrith alone.
6584 Terra Terran District Alexander Trajan forms the New Roman Republic. Alexander Trajan takes the title of First Consul.
6584 Ciria Shannedam County The Kessrith hand over control of Ciria to the Commonwealth as agreed in the 6584 treaty.
6584 Da'Valk Shannedam County The Kessrith hand over control of Da'Valk to the Commonwealth as agreed in the 6584 treaty.
6585 Baufrin Sulphra Decla named first Regent.
6586 Dalvick District Naram Republic declared.
6591 Baufrin Sulphra Decla steps down and retires as first Regent.
6600-6650 Terran armament companies invest heavily in mass-driver technology.
6600 The Naram republic is formed with backing from Trajan.
6600 Naram refuse to sign a treaty with the New Roman Republic.
6602 Zama Shannedam County Zama becomes industrialized.
6607 Terra Terran District Alexander Trajan begins work on documents that would separate the military from the political structure of the Republic.
6608 Terra Terran District Alexander Trajan dies. Assassination?
6617 Caralis Shannedam County Germanium Arsenic crystals discovered by the van der ter Horst family.
6627 War between the Terran Republic and the Kessrith Empire is at it's height.
Terra Terran District Blood Sports and government insanity are common under Anthony Trajan's rule.
6650 Terra Terran District Anthony Trajan; Alexander Trajan's grandson inherits power.
6657.09.01 Haroska Sandarne District The Terran Republic wins a great Naval Victory over the Kessrith. Admiral Skogen is a hero.
6659 The Naram Republic bans all class distinctions.
6665.01.07 Terra Terran District Senator John Kershaw ousts Anthony Trajan from power with the aid of the Praetorians.
6669 Terra Terran District John Kershaw the next ruler of the New Roman Republic revises the legal code and eases the restrictions on the rise to citizenship for slave and the plebeian classes. He is also proclaimed the first Caesar of the New Roman Republic.
6669 Terra Terran District John Kershaw renounces the title of Caesar for the title First Consul.
6679 Durmella Kessrith Empire General Ivanolo Buntari decimates the planets surface from orbit after accepting the surrender of the Kessrith defenders.
6679 Warlord Grand General Constantine hearing of General Ivanolo Buntari's actions at Durmella sets out with carrier battle group under the command of his sister Admiral Sefra Constantine to arrest and execute Buntari. He is successful in capturing Buntari but cannot execute him because of Buntari's powerful father; Illustrus Senator Carlos Buntari. Senator Buntari upon hearing about his sons arrest demands that First Consul Kershaw release his son and arrest and execute General Constantine. First Consul Kershaw refuses. Senator Buntari tricks Illustrus Senator Gregory Novick to leave Terra and visit General Constantine on a bogus secret mission.
6680 Terra Terran District Buntari blames Illustrus Senator Gregory Novick for the bombing. Warlord General Constantine knowing about the plot has Senator Novick packed off to the Magellanic Republic in a fast courier.
6680.05.15 Terra Terran District Carlos Buntari has a .5 kiloton nuclear device planted under the senate. It explodes and completely destroys the Senate and kills First Consul Kershaw.

The Birth of TOG

Date Planet District   Event
6681 Terra Terran District Carlos Buntari has his son Ivanolo Buntari proclaimed Caesar. Caesar creates the Overlord Class and the reconstruction of the state. The new name for the New Roman Republic would be TOG (Terran Overlord Government). Refugees begin fleeing to the Commonwealth.
6681.09.15 Terran District Mass riots occur against TOG. Caesar Buntari orders the immediate execution of any unit who does not open fire on the population to quell the riots. 182nd Heavy Infantry Legion is executed for not firing on the population. The commander Prefect Simon Constantine was also executed.

The Renegade's Flight

Date Planet District   Event
6681.09.15 Durmella Kessrith Empire General Constantine leads 308,364 legions and 3,804 Battleship groups aboard his flagship Righteous Fury to safety in the Commonwealth.
6682-6691 Terra Terran District Caesar Buntari gives the Overlords power to control the Lictor. The secret police become all powerful.
6682.08.15 Frawtaw's Star Constantine's force is attacked by Kessrith forces. The Kessrith did not believe that Constantine was really fleeing TOG. When a TOG naval force arrived under the command of Admiral Tokar. The Kessrith saw that Constantine's forces were really under attack and realized that any enemy of TOG is an ally of the Kessrith. The Kessrith turn about and aid the "Renegades". Admiral Tokar was forced to withdraw.
6682 New Britannia General Constantine's renegades are welcomed into the Commonwealth.
6687 Order is finally restored inside the Imperial Navy an Army after the exodus of the Renegades.
6690 Ciria Shannedam County The population of Ciria reaches 400 million.
6690 Terra Terran District Caeser Buntari issues Praeceptum Princeps. A statement of man's manifest destiny in the galaxy.
6691 Terra Terran District Caesar Buntari issues Patria Protestas. Stripping citizenship from all women.
6691 Carthage X Shannedam County Carthage X changes it's name from Wyse to Carthage X in protest against TOG.
6691.11.01 In transit to
Epsilon Erindi
Caesar Buntari vacations to his palace at Epsilon Erindi.
6691.12.07 In transit to
Epsilon Erindi
Caesar Buntari's body is found in deep space by a passing freighter. His ship and the 1st Praetorian Guard made up of all Females flee to the Commonwealth to join the Renegades.
6711 The Tiven-Rilus-Ope'Diar Megaplex is formed.
6717 TOG signs a peace and friendship treaty with the Naram Republic.
6722 Mysia Shannedam County Rich new G-A vein discovered.

The Rape of the Naram

Date Planet District   Event
6727 TOG annexes by force a large portion of the Naram Republic and creates the Dalvick district. TOG makes a vassal state of the rest. Millions of Naram flee to the Commonwealth.
6727 Ciria Shannedam County Naram and Baufrin investors form Ciria's first mining cartel.
6727 Terra Terran District In response to Lictor censorship the Red Graffiti R is born.
6730 Rilus V Shannedam County New Born University complex reconstruction complete.
6730 Potsdam Grand Dukedom TOG takes the Grand Dukedom.
6742 Megistene Somm Trau
Grand Dukedom
The Constructor Medium Grav Engineering Vehicle sees action for the first time.
6750 Zama Shannedam County Zama's economy become solvent.
6752 Caverlil
Grand Dukedom
TOG takes the Grand Dukedom.
6756 The first Cingulum Corvette is commissioned to the TOG Navy.
6773 Alesia
Grand Dukedom
TOG invades the Grand Dukedom.
6775 Terra Terran District Alexander Trajan's tomb is desecrated.
6778 Somm Trau
Grand Dukedom
TOG takes the Grand Dukedom.
6779 Terra Terran District Caesar Augustus Tourlaville dies. Warren Mischenko was named first consul until Augustus' son came of age to become Caesar. When the son withdrew due to illness Mischenko remained First Consul.
6779 The Pilum Medium Fighter is introduced by TOG during the Kessrith Campaign.
6782 Delop Shannedam County Delop threatens to withdraw from the Commonwealth and join TOG.
6783 Alesia
Grand Dukedom
The Grand Dukedom of Alesia falls to TOG forces.
6781 The GPA1 artillery piece makes it's first appearance.
6783 TOG forces seize the Grand Dukedoms of Nisus and Grenbern.
6790 Delop Shannedam County The Commonwealth posts the 2501st Renegade Legion to Delop.
6791 Terra Terran District First Consul Mischenko introduced a bill of ethics concerning the Lictor into the Senate.
6791.05.01 Terra Terran District First Consul Mischenko dies. Assassination?
6792 Mashoona Shannedam County 347th TOG Marine Assault Cohort defects to the Commonwealth.
6792 The Pompey Grav Artillery Vehicle is introduced.
6792 Terra Terran District Nicholos Julianus is elevated by the Overlords and Senate to the position of Caesar through a series of extortions on Julianus's part.
6792 Mission Stars
Grand Dukedom
TOG takes the Grand Dukedom.
6792 Medina
Grand Dukedom
TOG takes the Grand Dukedom.
6802 Novuta Shannedam County A VLCA is constructed in orbit.
6802 Belenski Industries introduces the Remus Medium Grav Engineering Vehicle.
6804 Peddan Renegade Artillery Vehicle introduced.
6806 Rift County First use of the Peddan Renegade Artillery Vehicle
6805 Bannor County TOG introduces the Jupiter Light Ground Tank.
6807 Alban's Province The Gael Confederation is rediscovered by TOG.
6808 Hasta; Light Ground Tank introduced into service with TOG forces.
6808 Mashoona Shannedam County The 347th Commonwealth Marine Assault Cohort (formerly the 347th TOG Marine Assault Cohort) sabotages the orbital shipyards and raided the Cities of Vienna, Emerald Harbor and Gordo with Stolen Ships. The 347th exposed it's cover as a fake Renegade Unit planted by the TOG Lictor.
6809 Jas Jasos Kesserdal County TOG forces seize all of Kesserdal County.
6809 Alban's Province The Treaty of Kinkaid signed between the Gael Confederation and the TOG.
6810 Cke'Threl; a Baufrin publishes an article in a scientific journal demonstrated that gravitons could be detected by their interaction with other particles.
6811 Anconna Shannedam County TOG Begins it's invasion of Shannedam County.
6811 Mysia Shannedam County The 2nd ACR relocates to Defiance from Mysia.
6811 Caesar's Folly Shannedam County The 2nd ACR relocates to Caesar's Folly from Defiance.
6811.01.14 Anconna Shannedam County 5061st Legion (Commonwealth) destroyed. Anconna is taken by TOG.
6811.12.13 Thapsus Shannedam County Riots break out and the Commonwealth Embassy is stormed. The ambassador is killed.
6812 Novuta Shannedam County Peace protests break out on Novuta demanding a negotiated end to the war.
6812.06.13 Olispio Shannedam County TOG attacks.
Thapsus Shannedam County The Commonwealth withdraws.
6812.12.30 Yols Shannedam County TOG invades.
6813.01.01 Yols Shannedam County TOG takes Yols.
6813.10.03 Sparta XIII Shannedam County TOG invades.
6814 Sparta XIII Shannedam County TOG takes Sparta XIII.
6814 Mysia Shannedam County TOG takes Mysia.
6814.02.01 Thapsus Shannedam County TOG takes Thapsus.
6815 Olispio Shannedam County TOG takes Olispio.
6815.11.08 Saguntum III Shannedam County TOG invades.
6816 Iol Shannedam County TOG and Renegade/Commonwealth forces fight a naval campaign in system.
6816 Pisae Shannedam County TOG naval attack repulsed.
6816 Dalvik District Renegade-inspired riots occur. The Hasta Light Ground Tank used in combat for first time.
6816 Defiance Shannedam County The Planet name changed from Shannedam IV.
6816 Nitor Aerospace begins work on the Scipio Anti-Aircraft Vehicle.
6817 Olispio Shannedam County A VLCA constructed in orbit.
6817.05.01 Iol Shannedam County TOG attacks and captures planet.
6817.05.30 Saguntum III Shannedam County TOG takes world.
6817.12.28 Grosianus Shannedam County TOG operatives infiltrate Commonwealth defenses and sabotage them.
6818 Gustaviv's Regret Shannedam County TOG attacks.
6818 The James Munitions Company introduces the Eradicator Anti-Aircraft Vehicle.
6818.05.01 Grosianus Shannedam County The 1225th Renegade Legion withdraws to Defiance instead of waiting for the invasion.
6818.04.01 Pisae Shannedam County TOG captures inbound convoy ships.
6818.05.20 Pisae Shannedam County TOG uses captured convoy ships to smuggle themselves into the system for a surprise invasion.
6818.05.25 Ciria Shannedam County Ciria's Parliament officially surrenders to TOG.
6818.07.03 Pisae Shannedam County The battle for Helm's Pass.
6818.09.15 Pisae Shannedam County TOG takes world.
6819 Commonwealth Intelligence becomes aware of the Martiobarbulus Heavy Fighter project that TOG is working on.
6819.02.13 Ve'fros Shannedam County TOG invades and takes world.
6819.05.01 Ciria Shannedam County TOG assasinates over 90% of the former ruling government.
6820 Mashoona Shannedam County The cities of Vienna, Emerald Harbour and Gordo are rebuilt.
6820 Tarraco Shannedam County TOG begins raiding.
6820 Thapsus Shannedam County VLCA completed in orbit.
6821 Trader's Paradise Shannedam County TOG agents attempt a coup.
6821.10.01 Tarraco Shannedam County TOG invades.
6822 Bichom-Voss introduces the Stades Light Grav Recon Vehicle.
6822 Tarraco Shannedam County The Stades Light Grav Recon Vehicle goes into Action for the first time.
6822 Ve'fros Shannedam County Jankowski Armaments builds a orbital weapons factory.
6822.05.20 Tarraco Shannedam County TOG captures world.
6823 Nilla Manufacturing designs the Clodius Light Ground APC as a joint venture with Jenkins Enterprises.
6823 Zama Shannedam County TOG invades and takes Zama.
6824 Messana Shannedam County TOG attacks.
6824 Trader's Paradise Shannedam County TOG grants full neutrality to Trader's Paradise.
6824 Wuj Shannedam County TOG Lictor agents smuggled onto world to spy.
6824.06.01 Jenkins Enterprises' plant burns to the ground, Nilla Manufacturing forced to build all of the Clodius.
6824.06.13 Zama Shannedam County Three Commonwealth ships take off from hiding spot and destroy the new TOG VLCA in orbit then flee.
6824.08.01 Clodius; Light Ground APC introduced into service with TOG forces.
6825 The Sojinlick Docallis Cabal is formed by disastisfied TOG Naval Officers.
6825 Sparta XIII Shannedam County Lt. Gen Marcus Spartivalcus appointed Shannedam County theater commander.
6825 New Janos Shannedam County Occasional naval raids by TOG begin.
6825 Moshelle Shannedam County TOG smuggles Lictor agents onto the planet to stir up racial hatreds.
6825 The Space Gull Medium Fighter is Introduced by the Commonwealth.
6825 Messana Shannedam County TOG attempts to take the city of Kingly and fails.
6825.10.20 Carthage X Shannedam County TOG attacks the Grizard System.
6825.12.01 Carthage X Shannedam County TOG makes a planetary landing.
6826 The Martiobarbulus Heavy Fighter is introduced by TOG.
6826 Pembroke County TOG attacks Tromelin, Harleck, Farside and Promise.
6826.01.01 Oal Rhoalter County 570th Infantry Legion (TOG) attacked by guerillas.
6826.06.01 Oal Rhoalter County 2757th Strike Legion (Commonwealth) pushing 570th (TOG) off-planet.
6827.02.01 Carthage X Shannedam County TOG forces capture New Dave and Frodo from the Commonwealth.
6827.03.01 Ciria Shannedam County Renegade/Commonwealth forces invade Ciria. The 10002nd Commonwealth Armored Legion liberates the planet.
6827.04.01 Carthage X Shannedam County TOG forces destroy the Balyo Islands.
6827.05.01 Carthage X Shannedam County TOG takes Carthage X.
6827.06.01 Moshelle Shannedam County Race riots break out in several places on Moshelle. Elections are called early.
6827.10.01 Ciria Shannedam County TOG forces recapture Ciria. The 13379th TOG Strike Legion captures the planet.
6827.11.01 Grosianus Shannedam County Commonwealth forces recapture Grosianus. The 1225th Renegade Strike Legion liberates the planet.
6827.12.01 Delop Shannedam County Delop's VLCA is destroyed by TOG raiders.
6828 Naram researchers build detectors sensitive enough to detect graviton emmisions. This invention and work by Cke'Threl lead to the invention of Homing Missiles.
6828 Tontrinas Shannedam County TOG begins raiding.
6828 Grosianus Shannedam County The 689th Fighter Wing (The Grave Diggers) is ambushed.
6828 Tiven Shannedam County TOG begins raids.
6828.01.01 Iol Shannedam County "Night of Shadows"
Lictor agents capture 13,000 individuals that were deemed a threat and either executed them or sent them to slave labor on Thapsus.
6828.01.02 Grosianus Shannedam County The Battle of Bandits pass. The 13379th wins and Grosianus falls back into TOG hands.
6828.05.02 Delop Shannedam County The 14145th (Dark Angel) Battleship Squadron defeats a large TOG raiding force in orbit.
6828.08.07 Mavinav Shannedam County TOG invades.
6828.09.17 Mavinav Shannedam County Operation Sword Thrust begins.
6828.10.17 Mavinav Shannedam County TOG conquers world.
6829 Messana Shannedam County TOG manages to take the city of Kingly.
6829 New Britannia Human Stephen Lukather named Regent.
6829 New Britannia Stephen Lukather's wife kidnaped by TOG agents. She is rescued the same year.
6829 Kitchner County Spencer-Nicholson Armaments submitted the final design for a APM (Anti-Personnel Missile) to CDRSS (Commonwealth Defense Requirements Standing Subcommittee).
6829 Mala Shannedam County Commonwealth Shipyard in orbit destroyed by TOG raiding fleet.
6829 CFPD Armor (Ceramic Forced Deposition) Armor discovered.
6829 Caesar's Folly Shannedam County TOG invades. Led by 6908th Carrier Patrol Squadron TOG drops 816th Strike Legion, 9865th Infantry Legion and the 3131st Shock Legion. The 3131st is destroyed by the 2nd ACR.
6829 SS'ta Shekaa submits the Lepidus design to TOGSOG.
6829 Carthage X Shannedam County The 272nd Fighter Group assigned to Carthage X.
6829 Delop Shannedam County The 2501st is transferred to Mavinav and returns after Mavinav falls to TOG.
6829 Moshelle Shannedam County TOG naval raids begin.
6829 Yols Shannedam County Naram rebels step up activity.
6829.04.01 Caesar's Folly Shannedam County TOG attacks. The 871st and the 2nd ACR vs the 816th and the 9865th.
6829.07.13 Rolunitru Shannedam County TOG invades.
6829.09.08 Carthage X Shannedam County The VLCA in orbit is destroyed.
6829.10.01 Defiance Shannedam County TOG invades.
6829.11.01 Caralis Shannedam County TOG invades.
6829.11.04 Caralis Shannedam County The 281st Commonwealth Legion is decimated by the 13379th TOG Strike Legion.
6830 Mala Shannedam County The 54th Renegade Escort Wing is formed from the disbanded 3044th Interceptor Wing.
6830 Gustaviv's Regret Shannedam County The 9999th TOG Infantry Legion deployed.
6830 Carthage X Shannedam County TOG completes construction of a Monorail between, New Dave and Eve.
6830 Caesar's Folly Shannedam County 871st destroys the 816th.
6830 Troy Industries begins work on replacement vehicle for the Remus. Based on insider information from a source inside TOGSOG that they will announce the opening for bids in 6831. Troy begins designs on the replacement vehicle called Hercules under the guise of another project.
6830 New Britannia Visiting Professor Lieutenant Commander G'reuwb'r presents a lecture on the benefits of RRPV (Remotely Piloted Reconnaissance Vehicles) to the Commonwealth Royal Military College.
6830.05.02 Wuj Shannedam County Operation "Vampire" TOG invades.
6830.06.01 Caralis Shannedam County 20344th Renegade Strike Legion counter-attacks at Fortane, the 13379th TOG Strike Legion holds the line.
6830.06.10 Ku Crassus Shannedam County TOG invades.
6830.07.01 Caralis Shannedam County The Church Of The Final Dimension declares holy war upon TOG.
6830.08.01 Caesar's Folly Shannedam County TOG drops 2108th Strike Legion to reinforce the 9865th.
6830.09.01 Grosianus Shannedam County The Cult of Peace smuggles in a Commonwealth Intelligence operative who successfully assassinates the Lictor Commander.
6830.09.04 Caralis Shannedam County Elements of the 20344th Renegade Strike Legion make a suicide attack against TOG forces in the Simsacha Forest.
6830.10.01 Ope'Diar Shannedam County TOG raids and sabotage begins.
6830.11.01 Pisae Shannedam County Rear Admiral Antos Sharote is assassinated.
6830.12.01 Ku Crassus Shannedam County The TOG offensive on Ku Crassus bogs down.
6831.01.31 Dr. D. Yarqure of TriStat Aerospace presents a design for a ADECM Round (Artillery Deployed Electronic Counter Measures) Round to the CDRSS.
6831.10.01 TOGSOG approves the Hercules Engineering vehicle for production to replace the Remus.
6831.12.01 Ku Crassus Shannedam County The 2nd ACR lands on planet to reinforce 199th Strike Legion against the 3241st TOG Strike Legion.
6832.05.16 The present day.

Timeline Compilation by Clayton Greene.  Timeline source © FASA Corporation